Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monkey Crawl

In the pictures below you see Brooklyn crawling like a normal baby.

In these pictures you see her crawling like a monkey. If her knees are not covered by some sort of fabric and she's on a hard surface, she will not let her knees hit the ground. It's really funny. I call it the "Monkey crawl." It's actually pretty smart:) Would you wanna crawl around without protected knees?? I sure wouldn't.

Friday, April 18, 2008

PICU Play Date

Yesterday we had a play date with some of the girls I used to work with in the Pediatric ICU. Leena and her two boys (not shown) were kind enough to let us use their beautiful house in Newport for the get-together.
The kids were very good and even cooperated for a short photo shoot. There was the occasional cup stealing but I think the pictures turned out as good as can be expected.

Genelle's little boy, Chad, is the one on the far left. Cheryl's is McKensey the ham with the pig tails in the back. Brook's little girl, Jayden, is the blonde who's cup Brooklyn stole. Nathan is the little one on the right, he belongs to Rosalynn. Then, of course, there is Brooklyn in the middle.

McKensey loved "holding" Brooklyn and her lap and playing Pat-a-cake.

Here's a short video that shows a little bit of the craziness:)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

It's hot!!!

I've never done well in the heat. Today was so hot, I found myself sitting in a mini pool with Brooklyn. She had a blast!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Shake it!

Who ever said white girls can't dance??

Friday, April 4, 2008

Afternoon at Auntie Shanna's

Wednesday afternoon we went over to Shanna's house to pass some time before bed. I took the babies for a walk so Shanna, Kate and Nana could eat dinner.

Their favorite thing to do is to take stuff from one another. Brooklyn is usually the aggressor, she'll grab whatever toy Luke has with no remorse.

As you can see in the following video, Luke has now learned he needs to take advantage of any opportunity to take possession of the toys.

After dinner and the walk it was bath time.

Brook was very impressed with Kate's band aid.

Once again Brooklyn had to have whatever Luke had. Good thing Luke was able to be the "bigger person."