Friday, September 30, 2011

He's 1!!!

Why!? Why does time have to go by so fast?! It seems like just yesterday Dylan was a cuddly newborn.  Time has gone by WAY faster with Dylan than it did with Brooklyn.  Maybe it's the busyness of having 2 kids.  Whatever it is, I don't like it!!
We celebrated his birthday at the park with family and friends.  Blog to follow soon.
Here's a list of the fun things Dylan is doing these days...
  • He started walking right at 11 months so he has it mastered.
  • He attempts to run and I love it.
  • He still crawls if he wants to get somewhere really fast.  I love watching his little booty shake back and forth.
  • He points at everything.
  • He walks around with something in both hands and his mouth all of the time.
  • He destroys EVERYTHING he comes across.  If he walks by a table with stuff on it he'll turn around and make sure everything is off the table and then he moves on.  He truly is a baby tornado. 
  • He's still not the best eater of solid foods. But we're doing better.  Cherrios have been added to his diet and he doesn't gag anymore.
  • His vocabulary consists of Dada, Mama, Uh Oh, Oww (which is says really loud and really high pitched), he attempts to say Brookie (Ba-k), wow, hi, bye bye and hey.
  • He sleeps through the night most nights.
  • He has a low raspy voice but can scream like a girl.
  • He still LOVES his mommy:)
  • He has the most gorgeous curly hair.  Daddy wants to cut it but he's gonna have to fight me first!
  • He has his own sign language when he wants to nurse.  He hits the back of his hand to his forehead.  Not sure where this came from exactly.
  • He loves to pound on stuff and he does it REALLY hard.
  • He doesn't like people in his face and he's not afraid to push you away if you get too close.
  • He signs "more".
  • He still only has 2 little bottom teeth.
  • He's 22 pounds even and is at the 50th percentile. Not sure about his height.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Brooklyn's 1st Day of Preschool!!


Brooklyn started preschool today, I can't believe it!!  How is it possible that she is old enough for school?!?  This morning was filled with a mixture of emotions.  She went from excitement to apprehension within seconds of each other.
Starting off the traditional 1st day of school porch picture...
 Once we got to the school she was overcome with excitement.  And when she saw Luke both of them were just ecstatic.
Brooklyn and Luke stuck by each others side for only about 5 minutes then went off on their own.
 Making play dough with Miss Jan.
And of course licking the table...
 Playing with the play dough they just made...
 She, not surprisingly, was in the dress up area the most.
 Brooklyn found a friend to go have a "picnic" with.  Glad to see she makes friends very easily:)
 Waiting on her mat to wrap things up.  She was a little apprehensive at this point.  As soon as it was time to sit in one spot she was saying she wanted to go home and wouldn't let me out of her sight.  It will be interesting to see how Wednesday goes when she's there all by herself.
All in all a pretty good first day! Excited to see what the year brings. 
We finished off the morning by going out for a special lunch just the 3 of us!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


We recently had a very traumatic event in the Vander Molen household.  An air conditioner vent thingy fell on Brooklyn's toe.  I was in the house nursing Dylan and talking to Shanna on the phone when I heard a scream from the garage.  Something in the tone of the scream told me that it was real this time.  I put the phone down and ran into the garage mid feed.  I looked down at her foot and all I could see was her toe with a small puddle of blood under it.  I picked her up and brought her into the house and set her down so I could put Dylan in the play pen.  I then carried her to the counter (all while blood was dripping all over the floor).  I calmly told her that she had a bad owie and that we needed to go to the doctor so he could fix it.  She was not happy about this.  She kept insisting that it would get better by itself.  Broke my heart!  My mom came over to stay with Dylan and we met Curt down at Willow Urgent Care.  The sight of me holding her with a very bloody paper towel was enough for them to take us right back.  After cleaning it and making sure there was no damage to the tendons the doctor put one stitch in it.  The worst part was when he had to numb it, but Brooklyn did great.  We told her it was okay to cry and scream but she needed to hold still.  The doctor was SO impressed with her (and mommy and daddy).  After they took some x-rays (which were fine) we headed home.  Then of course Brooklyn got spoiled with some TLC.  The only time she has complained is when we've cleaned it.  She never says it hurts and just goes about her business with a slight limp.  I have to force her to take a break and put it up to ice it.  The doctor says she'll heal just fine with a slight scar and possibly some nail damage. Let's hope her nail keeps growing!!

Here are some pictures, captured with my cell phone, of the injury....
Day 1
 Her froggy ice pack.
 Day 2
Day 3