Friday, October 29, 2010

Big Sister

Brooklyn has really taken to the big sister roll. She asks to hold him anytime she can and loves to give him his passie (as long as he's not screaming). Although she has been a little of a challenge since he's been born she doesn't take it out on him:)

She has also been playing mommy a lot. I was happy to get some typical big sister nursing pictures.

However, this took me by surprise....

What a great little mommy!

Too cute....

She loves to sing to him.

I'm trying to capture all the sweet moments. Before they learn to fight:)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Since our annual cousin's trip to the pumpkin patch got rained out we rescheduled for a quick trip with the Jacobs' to get some pictures. The kids had a great time getting dressed up, posing for pictures and going on a train ride. It was the perfect trip for me, short and sweet.

This year Brooklyn really wanted to be a butterfly. It may look more like a bee costume, but trust me it's a butterfly. Just ask Brooklyn. At the costume store I told her they didn't have a butterfly costume and she showed me that they did, in fact, have one. A black and yellow one. That works for me! Dylan is dressed like a dinosaur or a alligator. Not sure which it is. He didn't seem to care:)

Silly girl...

Brooklyn was so excited to see her cousin's dressed up to. She said Kate was a princess and Luke was a thing with wings. They actually had a Toy Story theme.

I decided to wake up Dylan so he could be in some pictures too. He was so good and the kids loved holding him for it.

Brooklyn and Kate have become such good friends. Brooklyn loves her to death.

Hopefully next year it works for all the second cousins to go. The group has and
is growing so much. Should be interesting!

4 Weeks Already!!

I can't believe Dylan is 4 weeks! Time really does fly by. This time around seems to be going by a lot faster than it did with Brooklyn. Maybe it's because I have 2 to look after or maybe it's because he's such a content baby. His "fussy" time at night is NOTHING compared to how his big sister's was. He lets out a little cry and is easily consoled by holding or nursing. He's a great eater. He already weighs 11 lbs 10 oz! Big guy! As good as he is, he still keeps his mommy up all night. We finally had a pretty successful night last night. He was up about every 3 hours to eat but went to sleep right after and stayed asleep till the next feeding. We found that the key to getting him to stay asleep is to let him sleep on his tummy. That's alright with me.
Here's some shots taken over the last few weeks....


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Dylan has had a few visitors since we've been home. Unfortunately, I didn't get shots of everyone who came but here are the ones that I did get.
Grandma & Grandpa DeYoung

Grandma Jessup

Uncle John

Kate and Luke

Some of the Ostermann Family


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

First few days at home

Brooklyn joined us at home on Tuesday. She had to stay away for a bit because she was exposed to the flu. We wanted to play it safe. It actually worked out because we spent 5 hours on Monday going to the doctor and getting labs drawn for Dylan. What a pain.
She was VERY excited to see her baby brother. We figured out that she calls him a "she" because she thinks he is a girl.

First bath at home wasn't exactly enjoyable.

Curt took them for a little walk to give me some alone time. I got a whole 3 minutes alone since it started raining.

Cozy time

This is the first time Brookie got to really check him out. So cute!