Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Dirtiest Kind of Kiss.....

I'm a very clean person, especially when it comes to Brooklyn. I vacuum everyday, if not at least every other day, my hands are often raw from washing them constantly, I have hand sanitizer in every room and in every bag I carry, and I spray everything in public, that might come in contact with Brooklyn, down with Clorox Everywhere Spray. I wouldn't call myself a neat freak, but I do keep things germ free the best I can. So, why did I let what's in the following video take place?? Because, this is the scene I often walk in on and I wanted to get it on video for the future. I could only allow 8 seconds of it and felt sick to my stomach after it was over. Unfortunately, this is the hard reality. Anytime Brooklyn sees Maddie (our dog) coming toward her she welcomes her with an open mouth kiss and Maddie happily accepts.


The Jacobs said...


Sarah Ireland said...

OMG that video is histarical:)

Pam said...

Your sis posted this link, after I posted a similar blog entry about our baby and dog. So so funny! Our Abby makes the same noise!