Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Something happened to Brooklyn when she turned 3. To say that she has been a challenge would be an understatement. Along with asserting her independence, she has been sassy, contrary, stubborn, hyper, etc. I am happy to say that with consistent discipline (including "sassy spray" water/vinegar mixture) things are looking up. She still has her difficult moments (who doesn't) but overall has made an improvement in her behavior.
Although, at times, she has made me want to pull my hair out she has always made me laugh. So instead of making the blog post negative I'm going to highlight all the things I love about her....
Part of her asserting her independence includes getting her self dressed. Most Sunday mornings she insists on picking her dress. One Sunday I relinquished some control and let her dress herself. We showed up with her in her puffy Easter dress, "fur" jacket, boots and sunglasses. One word described how she looked that morning, diva!

She's silly!

She has a HUGE imagination. All day long we are pretending. She says things like, "I'm the mom you're the little girl." I've had to play a lot of different rolls throughout the day.

The Jacobs family got her a chest full of princess dresses for Christmas. She wears them every single day.

She's a girly-girl. Loves to play dress up, try on clothes at the store and have her nails painted.

She is an extrovert. She'll talk to anybody. When we're out in public she'll tell a perfect stranger all about herself. Example "Hi my name is Brooklyn! I have blue eyes. I have a baby brother. His name is Dylan. He's SO cute. He's getting bigger bigger bigger. I was a butterfly for Halloween."
We went to the grocery store just the two of us the other day. I let her push her own little shopping cart and she loved it. She was so polite, saying excuse me to anyone that was in her way. Except to one man in particular who cut her off. Then she loudly said, "Excuse you!" When she says it it sounds like, "Scew you!" Embarrassing.
We've been talking about "stranger danger" lately. I'm scared that she would walk away with anyone who asked. So we've been acting out scenarios together. Me-"Hey little girl do you want some candy?" B-"No stranger, I do not want candy! It might hurt my tummy. Then I run away." It took some convincing, she LOVES candy. Now she asks permission to talk to strangers. That's progress.
So shy...

I'd have to say that the thing I love most about Brooklyn, right now, is how much she loves Dylan. She is constantly talking to him, singing to him, kissing him and putting his pacie in his mouth. She tells me how much she loves him and brags about him often. She helps as much as you can expect a 3 year old to help. She'll make a great mommy one day!

It's exciting and sad to see her grow up. She's been telling me that she's ready to go to school with Luke and Wyatt now. I tell her that she can't go until she's four and that I'll miss her. Her response, "Don't worry mommy, I'll come home Sundays." I wish I could freeze time!


Anonymous said...

So cute and hilarious!!

ThE nIcHoLs FaMiLy said...

She is the cutest!

StacyD said...

Love this! I can relate to ALL of it! haha Such a sweet time!

Amber said...

oh she is just too cute! and the backwards jeans! i die!