Thursday, December 17, 2009

2009 Christmas Card Pictures

This year we were faced with quite the challenge....taking our Christmas pictures with 2 dogs (one still a puppy) and a toddler. The dogs get so hyper with any sort of attention so I thought it was going to be impossible to get a picture worthy of sending out. So I did what any level headed person would do. I sedated them. (The dogs, not Brooklyn.) Luckily we had a few pills left over from Bella's surgery. Don't judge, I really didn't have any other option!
I actually did get some cute ones. It was amazing. However, there were many more that went into the reject pile. The following are some of the best rejects.

First, we attempted some with just Brooklyn just in case the ones with the dogs didn't work out. She wasn't exactly cooperating. She kept saying "No say cheese!"

Then we brought the dogs in. They were "tired" enough that they actually sat still for a little bit.

It got difficult when we combined all three.

Are we done yet?!

We knew it was time to call it a day when Maddie would no longer stand.




When all was said and done Brookie needed some love from her daddy.

All in all it went as well as could be expected!

**For all you dog lovers, the dogs were just fine and had a lovely long nap that day**


The McConnells said...

She is just TOO much. Thanks for the laughs this morning....I needed it!

Emily said...

those pictures are hilarious!!!! I love that chair she is sitting on. :)