Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sooooooo Behind

I know, I know! I'm WAY behind on blogging. It's been a busy couple of months. So instead of updating on everything that's been missed I'm just going to start over at Easter. So in the mean time, here's a video to enjoy.

This is the ridiculousness that is Brooklyn! It's a little embarrassing, but I had to share it. She's not usually like this!

Call the priest!!


Anonymous said...

B cracks me up.

Kat said...

HAHAH I played this and my dog ran over all concerned. Poor girl, I feel the same way about boogers. =o)

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing!!!

StacyD said...

ummm... I hate to admit that this is a familiar scene at my house. :) I hear that 3 is the new 2 and that REALLY scares me! BTW, missed you :)

The Jacobs said...

Why do you lie? She's always like this. hahahahaha!!