Dylan has entered my favorite stage. Can I please freeze time?!? He's at the age where his personality is in full force, he's happy almost ALL the time, he sleeps relatively well at night, takes 2-3 naps a day, does not talk back or defy me and is over all pleasant. Love it!
Some fun facts about my baby boy...
Some fun facts about my baby boy...
- He has a smile that lights up the room.
- His lips are SO kissable!
- He's such a boy. Loves to wrestle and rough house.
- He loves to bang toys together.
- He loves footballs, basketballs and soccer balls.
- He can crawl at light speed.
- He loves to carry around toys in his hand while he crawls so they make noise on the wood floors.
- He is SO proud of himself when he goes into his room and gets his pacie out of his crib.
- He likes to "hide" from me throughout the house.
- He gets stuck under and behind things at least 5 times a day.
- He thinks it's hilarious when he's doing something he shouldn't and I say "no".
- As soon as he sees the garage door open he bolts for it.
- He goes down stairs head first with precision and little effort. Only once in a while he falls on his face:)
- He can walk while holding onto furniture.
- He does not understand that if he dives off of high furniture he will hurt himself. I've caught him by his legs more times than I can count.
- He can spot tiny objects on the ground from across the room. He will then put them in his mouth and choke on them. As a result I have done the Heimlich maneuver on him multiple times.
- He's still solely breastfed. While he puts everything in his mouth he has no interest in edible objects. Just paper.
- He now takes a bottle!!
- He's 21 lbs and 28 inches. That puts him at 50th percentile.
- He LOVES Brooklyn. While he is a lot easier to make laugh, all Brooklyn has to do is look at him and he starts cracking up.
- His hair is curly.
- He'll be playing quietly and then all of a sudden let out, what I call, a "warrior cry".
- He's in the stage where he throws everything down on the ground just to watch you pick it up. Fun fun.
- He never stops moving.
- He likes to blow raspberries and make a clicking noise with his tongue.
- Even when he falls over he smiles or laughs about it.
- Every time I rock him for sleep he puts his forehead against mine for a few seconds.