Tuesday, June 28, 2011


We had some visitors in our backyard the other day. My worst nightmare. Brooklyn was playing outside and I took Dylan out to dip his feet in the water. I looked up to see a swarm of bees in the tree above my head. As calmly as I was able I got Brook in the house and grabbed the camera to take some pictures from the safety of our back door. So with Dylan in one arm and my camera in the other I looked down to see one crawling on Brooklyn's neck. I quickly and calmly put the camera down and right as I was about to get it off her she heard it and freaked out. I thought it got her but after further investigation I came to the conclusion that I got it off her before the stinger was able to puncture her skin and it was just resting on her neck.

This is what I thought was the bee hive but what turned out to actually be just a bunch of bees hanging on each other.

Curt went to Lowe's to get some bee killer but before he used it I made him call a bee hotline. As he was on the phone with them and they were telling him that it wasn't a hive and that they would probably leave with in 24 hours they had started to fly away in a swarm. I can't write this blog with out itching. Gross!

On a lighter note, enjoy a video of what happened during our walk....

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