Tuesday, August 30, 2011

11 Months

It's true Dylan is 11 months! Which means he's only a month away from turning 1!! How is this happening?!?  He's changing daily.  He has a great personality and is still super easy going.  He's happy most of the time. However, this month his little temper has decided to make an appearance.  Out of no where he can let out the loudest frustrated scream.  It's actually pretty funny.  He loves to throw around balls and I'm impressed at his skill in doing so.  He's got a really good arm!  He's still not walking but has taken a few steps.  The longest he's gone is about 6 feet.  He gets around really fast by crawling and seems pretty content.  Fine by me!!  He loves to wave and say bye bye (ba ba).  His limited vocabulary consists of daddy, mommy (bobby), hi, bye bye and he does the "what's that?" whisper.  He cracks me up when he throws his head back and does this throaty fake laugh.  These days he's weighing in at 22 pounds.  He is still primarily breastfed but has started to eat some yogurt.  That's it for him..breastmilk and yogurt.  Hopefully we can get him eating so he can enjoy some birthday cake in a month!
Some pictures of my baby boy...
He loves to play on this chair.  He climbs up on it, leans against the wall, rocks back and forth, sits down and rocks some more.
Love his rolls!!
Seriously, look at this face!! I could just eat it up!!