Monday, August 1, 2011

Dylan is 10 Months

Dylan is 10 months and I've seen so many changes in the last month. First of all, he got his first tooth followed by the second a couple weeks later. Now he's got the cutest 2 little bottom teeth! I love that!
He's much more interactive now. His game playing is in full force. He loves peek-a-boo, crawling away while you chase him, making funny faces/noises and pretending to go to sleep on the floor.
He's not walking yet but loves to cruise around furniture and push anything that moves around the room.
He hasn't gained much weight over the last few months. At his 9 1/2 month doctors appointment he weighed 21lbs7oz.
There was the discussion with the doctor about him possibly needing speech therapy secondary to his VERY sensitive gag reflex. His only source of nutrition is me! He has no interest in baby food and gags (then throws up) when he has anything solid. I've tried everything! He has 2 months to get his act together:)
He's such a joy to have around and makes us laugh every day. He laughs so easily now and has the BEST smile. I just love his little lips and could kiss them all day long. He gives me the best open mouth baby kisses ever!

Look at the lips!

The longer his hair gets the curlier it gets.

Playing "nigh-night"

1 comment:

ThE nIcHoLs FaMiLy said...

I just love him! Soo cute!