Friday, September 30, 2011

He's 1!!!

Why!? Why does time have to go by so fast?! It seems like just yesterday Dylan was a cuddly newborn.  Time has gone by WAY faster with Dylan than it did with Brooklyn.  Maybe it's the busyness of having 2 kids.  Whatever it is, I don't like it!!
We celebrated his birthday at the park with family and friends.  Blog to follow soon.
Here's a list of the fun things Dylan is doing these days...
  • He started walking right at 11 months so he has it mastered.
  • He attempts to run and I love it.
  • He still crawls if he wants to get somewhere really fast.  I love watching his little booty shake back and forth.
  • He points at everything.
  • He walks around with something in both hands and his mouth all of the time.
  • He destroys EVERYTHING he comes across.  If he walks by a table with stuff on it he'll turn around and make sure everything is off the table and then he moves on.  He truly is a baby tornado. 
  • He's still not the best eater of solid foods. But we're doing better.  Cherrios have been added to his diet and he doesn't gag anymore.
  • His vocabulary consists of Dada, Mama, Uh Oh, Oww (which is says really loud and really high pitched), he attempts to say Brookie (Ba-k), wow, hi, bye bye and hey.
  • He sleeps through the night most nights.
  • He has a low raspy voice but can scream like a girl.
  • He still LOVES his mommy:)
  • He has the most gorgeous curly hair.  Daddy wants to cut it but he's gonna have to fight me first!
  • He has his own sign language when he wants to nurse.  He hits the back of his hand to his forehead.  Not sure where this came from exactly.
  • He loves to pound on stuff and he does it REALLY hard.
  • He doesn't like people in his face and he's not afraid to push you away if you get too close.
  • He signs "more".
  • He still only has 2 little bottom teeth.
  • He's 22 pounds even and is at the 50th percentile. Not sure about his height.


ThE nIcHoLs FaMiLy said...

SO SOOO want to squeeze that little man! This year really did fly by :)

The Jacobs said...

I laughed out loud at the "he'll have to fight me first." I have a mental picture of you fist fighting Curt. hahahaha!
And, you forgot "He loves his Auntie Shanna oh so much!"