Dylan turned 15 months at the end of December and I can't believe
it. As I write this post I'm sitting outside watching him play. He's
turned into such a little boy over the last few months. No longer a
baby:( He's your typical boy. Loves to play outside and get dirty (as
much as I'll let him), loves to wrestle, loves trucks, loves to throw
balls around, and loves to growl at people:) He's still as sweet as can
be but has started a little bit of a hitting phase. So far, his daddy
and I are the only victims and it's really not that bad. He keeps me on
my toes, constantly getting into things he shouldn't. I've just added
the freezer to the list of things I need to figure out how to lock.
I've had to put up glass decorations that I never had to move with
Here the list of things I want to always remember...
- He has 6 teeth. 4 on top and 2 on bottom. He's really out of sorts when they're coming in and wakes up a new person when they finally break through.
- He's still nursing about 3 times a day. Once in the middle of the night and before naptime and bedtime. Once again, he wants nothing to do with a bottle. Won't drink milk either. So we're back to being inseparable:)
- He's doing a lot better with food. His diet mostly consists of yogurt, oranges, bananas, grapes, apples, cheese, yogurt melts, crackers and rice chips. He calls all fruit "na-na".
- He's got a pretty good vocabulary. Some words that I can remember off the top of my head are: mommy, daddy, baba (Brookie), Nana, Bapa (Grandpa), Papa, uh oh, No (says it like Noooooooo), what's that, outside, what's that, here you go (kinda run together), here you are (also run together), baby, hi, bye bye, sit, sit down, ni-night, hot, truck, ball, hey, boo, book (which just sounds like "ba") and Auntie. That's all I can remember off the top of my head.
- He's started putting 2 words together. Hi baby, bye baby, hi mommy, sit down, etc. It's really funny when he's trying to combine 2 words and gets tongue tied. Keep working buddy!
- He's a Momma's boy. If I'm not around he's just not himself. It's flattering but makes it kinda difficult at times.
- He loves to open and close doors.
- Once in a while I'll catch him "dancing". Definitely doesn't have the rhythm his sister has:)
- He's got a really high pain tolerance.
- He holds his own with the big kids. If someone gets too close he has no problem yelling at them and pushing them away. Guess that comes with being the youngest in most groups.
- Every time we get out of our car at home he points to the house across the street where his friend Jaxon lives and says, "Hi baby!". Too cute.
- He's busy ALL the time. Always moving. Just like daddy.
- He's taken a new liking to books. So cute to watch him "read". He babbles and points to the pictures and says, "what's that?!".
- I've never seen a kid make such a mess in such a short amount of time. He's a baby tornado.
- When it's time for bed he lets me know. He'll decide he's tired and say ni-night. He goes around to daddy, Brookie and Maddie and gives them all kisses and says ni-night to each. Then he takes me hand and pulls me to his room. I wonder how long this will last....
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