Thursday, June 17, 2010

Brooklyn's 3 Year Pictures

Last week I took Brooklyn to JCPenny to have her 3 year pictures taken. Although she hasn't had a bruise on her forehead since she was learning to walk she managed to run into a wall and get her traditional bruise for the pictures. She hasn't been there in a while so I wasn't sure how she would do. She LOVED it! She posed exactly how the lady told her to and cried when it was over.


the girl in the red shoes said...

She is adorable!

amber said...

She is sooo Beautiful!!!

Cori said...

Wow, awesome pictures! She just gets prettier and prettier :)

ThE nIcHoLs FaMiLy said...

Beautiful shots! She could be a little model in the making =)

Mary LeMonnier said...

You need to get this child's picture taken every month! She is such a cutie!!! Love her big smile for the camera. :)